

SOLD OUT! Salad, Salad, Salad

Thursday, April 25, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Karmin's Kitchen Table

Karmin's Kitchen Table 4401 Coleman St. #106

Tired of your basic green salad? 
This is the PERFECT class to get you Inspired for your weeknight meals!

Must be 18+ to attend

Big Sky Steak Salad
Herbaceous Tortellini Pasta Salad
Creamy Chipotle Roasted Cauliflower

This will be a demo style class with some class participation. Recipes will be provided to each person.

$50/person ~ LIMITED seating so RSVP is required

CANCELLATION POLICY: A two-week notice is required to cancel enrollment in any class otherwise a refund will not be granted. Cancellation can only be done via phone (751-8040) or in person.

Classes are subject to change, cancellation or rescheduling.